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Н.С. Хрущев вспоминает один эпизод из посещения им в качестве Первого секретаря Украины в 1940 г. Львова, главного города области: «Когда мы собрались на митинг во Львовском оперном театре, то пригласили туда и украинцев, и поляков, и евреев, в основном рабочих, хотя пришла и интеллигенция. Выступали там среди других и евреи, и нам странно было слышать, когда они говорили: «Мы жиды и от имени жидов заявляем и прочее...» Потом в кулуарах я спрашивал: «Отчего вы так говорите о евреях? Вы произносите «жиды», ведь это оскорбительно!» Мне отвечали «А у нас считается оскорбительным, когда нас называют евреями».
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
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21.08.2010 12:10:44
Sofa™ ♥ Love Kyle ♥ пишет:
Ты несёшь полную хрень.
Где?? Ты похоже тупо подпездываешь, ага?
Sofa™ ♥ Love Kyle ♥ пишет:
Фу, здесь попахивает расизмом..
Нэ, тебе кажется...
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 12:07:25
Примерно ''N'' пишет:
И снова ты пососал сладко и с причмоками.
И снова начал писать куйню - может это у тебя болезнь?
..значит по-русски ты не понимаешь...
тогда читай:
Who Is a Jew?
A fine education on identifying a Jew.
Der Giftpilz by Julius Streicher.
Things are lively in Mr. Birkmann's 7th grade boys' class today. The teacher is talking about the Jew. The boys are fascinated.
"It is noon," he says. "We should summarize what we have learned in the past hour. What have we talked about?" All the children raise their hands. The teacher calls on Karl Scholz, a small lad in the front row. "We have talked about how to recognize the Jew."
"Good. Say more!"
Little Karl reaches for the pointer, steps up to the board and points at the drawings.
One can most easily tell a Jew by his nose. The Jew nose is bent at its point. It looks like the number six. We call it the Jew six. Many Aryans also have bent noses. But their noses bend upwards, not downwards. Such a nose is an eagle nose.
"Right!" says the teacher. "But the nose is not the only way to recognize a Jew..."
One can also recognize a Jew by his lips. His lips are usually puffy. The lower lip often protrudes. Jew eyelids are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. One can tell from his eyes that he is a deceitful person.
The teacher calls on another lad. He is Fritz Müller, and is the best in the class:
Jew are usually small to mid-sized. They have short legs. Their arms are often short, too. Many Jew are bow-legged and flat-footed. They often have a low, slanting forehead, a receding forehead. Many criminals have such a receding forehead. The Jew are criminals too. Their hair is usually dark and often curly like a nigger's. Their ears are very large, and they look like the handles of a coffee cup.
The teacher turns to the students.
"Pay attention, children. Why does Fritz say 'many Jew have bow legs', or 'they often have receding foreheads,' or 'their hair is usually dark'?"
Heinrich Schmidt, a large, strong boy in the last row speaks:
Every Jew does not have these characteristics. Some do not have a proper Jew nose, but have Jew ears. Some do not have flat feet, but Jew eyes. There are even some Jew with blond hair. But when one looks carefully, one can always tell it is a Jew.
"Very good," the teacher says. "And now tell me about other ways to tell Jew from Aryan. Richard, come up here!"
Richard Krause, a smiling blond lad, goes to the board. He says:
One can recognize a Jew from his behavior. The Jew moves his head back and forth. His gait is shuffling and unsteady. The Jew moves his hands when he talks. He "jabbers." His voice is often odd. He talks through his nose. Jews often have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jew.
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:55:15
... xD...
"Все о Картмане"
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:42:40
Примерно ''N'' пишет:
Может это у тебя с головой совсем худо?
Примерно ''N'' пишет:
Я стрелочничаю?
...Ага... Причем ты уныл и неоригинален...(
Школьники с луркоебскими отмазками кстати идут  <ВЦ> .
Примерно ''N'' пишет:
ну поясни истину которая лежит в этих мудрых словах.
Бугурты замучали
... забаненный на гугле... :(
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:42:22
... без остальных героев будет уныло... Да если по честному, то думаю, что сама по себе фан поделка будет унылой... не обижайтесь, ребятишки...
"Все о Картмане"
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:36:38
Примерно ''N'' пишет:
твоя цитата, где ты меня первый послал на  <ВЦ> .
.. и зачем-то фразу из контекста вырвал...  я же говорю, бугурты, еба :ko: ...  Таки хочешь знать, почему послал? Ты же  <ВЦ>  стал писать и слюной брызгать, как с тобой можно говорить еще?... и щас вот ты брызгаешься ...
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:04:28
Эрик Картманез,
.. мне вот эта еще нравится...
Прикрепленные файлы
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 11:00:22
Despite only being 0.19% of the world's population, Jews control 99% of the world's money. (See: Rothschild, Warburg, etc.) They also control the media, the banks, LiveJournal's porn and gay communities, textbook publishers, music (especially rap), gold, and diamonds. And no, we're not fucking joking about this. If you don't believe that Jews control everything, just look up a list of Media Jews or finance Jews on Google. Or just look at the always disproportionate number of Jewish names in the governments of the West. Case in point, Roman Polanski and and Jeffrey Epstein got off without serious punishment for raping little girls (as recommended in their holy book, the Talmud), something a goy would have done serious pound-me-in-the-ass prison time for. Basically, the only part of the world that's not controlled by the Jews is Asia, because the Muslims don't tolerate their kike bullshit, and the Chinese are the only race with potential to out-Jew the Jews and actually threaten them.
Жиды, срач, флуд
True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 10:54:48
Jews, (Also known as: Kikes, Hebes, Hymies, Yids, Nosedniggers, Gold Niggers, Oven Magnets, Big Noses, Sheenies, Swindlers, Criminals, Firewood, Arabs in Denial, Thieves, Moes, and filthy fucking scum who need to be wiped off the earth) are a subhuman species of reptilian extra-terrestrials and adherents to one of the world's oldest religions, called "Judaism", also known as "The Worship of Money" and "Ritual Infant Sacrifice". Some famous jews: everyone who works on television, in movies, in radio, and in print media.

Judaism was the world's first master race theory. The Jew religion teaches that Jews are the Chosen People of God and that there is a sacred mystical quality to Jew DNA. In olden times, Jew prophets would, under the command of YHWH, frequently lead the Jews on genocidal rampages against neighboring populations, and even today Jew leaders often cite Jewish religious ideals to justify their ongoing genocide of sandniggers. Judaism ironically found its mirror-image inversion in the anti-Jew Aryan racialism of the Nazis. But this is all bullshit, since there's no pure Jewish left as they all mixed with white people, niggers, niggers, arabs (they're the same as the arabs, lol), shit. In addition, according to studies ashkenazi jews's male haplotype is mideastern while the female side european.
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True and Evil
0 (0 vs 0)
21.08.2010 10:54:19